shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea China Gunpowder Grade 1 Natural High Gunpowder quality with rolled leaves and a harsh taste with surprising benefits that include... €3.30 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea China Jasmine High Grade JinJing Natural In northern China, a cup of this pleasant concoction is a symbol of hospitality, and it is... €6.20 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea China Sencha Natural High quality loose leaf tea sencha with high amount of polyphenols which are proven to halt cell... €3.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea China Sencha decaffeinated Natural With its ability to fight chronic diseases, aid in weight loss, keeping the skin looking radiant,... €5.50 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea China Sencha Grade 1 Dao Ren Feng Natural Premium quality. This Sencha was processed according to the traditional Japanese method. Gentle and... €5.70 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea China White Monkey Natural With a complex aromas of cream, hay, toasted nuts and Oriental Beauty Oolong-like fruity-floral notes.... €8.30 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Jasmin Qucha Imperial Natural Fine green tea tips, streaked with white down, and giving off an incomparable fragrance. This is truly... €15.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Lung Ching Superior Natural The "Dragon Well" is one of China's most extraordinary teas. Rolled and pressed by hand, its leaves... €8.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Yunnan Green Natural Green tea speciality with a clean rolled leaf and flowery in taste. Green tea is exceptionally high in... €5.20 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Genmaicha 'n' Matcha Natural Popular Japanese green tea that offers numerous impressive health benefits. Balances blood sugar,... €5.80 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Houjicha Natural With its fragrant aroma and nutty, toasty flavor, houjicha provides a sense of relaxation, easing... €7.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Moga Cha Natural Moga is grinned green tea. The difference to Matcha is that the Tencha is not roasted. The tea is raw.... €10.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Jasmin Imperial Natural A special blend of our top graded green loose leaf teas bringing in your cup a delicious aroma of... €7.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view white-tea Ginger mint Natural The ginger spiciness accompany the green and white loose leaf tea benefits including preventing tooth... €4.60 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view blends Angel's Garden Natural A top loose leaf Sencha in combination with china jasmine and bergamot will surely will you over. One... €4.50 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view blends Aqua Pulco Natural With a wide array of physical health benefits like lowering blood pressure, triglycerides and total... €4.50 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view blends Strawberry Mint Natural Top quality Sencha with strawberry and mint taste. On the center of the stage we have a top grade... €4.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Japan Ceremonial Matcha "Hisui" Natural Drinking matcha every day results in a noticeable mood boost, optimized all-day energy, and potential... €9.50 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Gyokuro Kusanagi Natural ‘Kusanagi‘ evokes the unbreakable spirit of the Japanese warriors. Sweet, fruity base full of intense... €15.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Kukicha Kaede Natural Only parts of the fine Gyokuro are used in our Kukicha Kaede, but also stems Also suitable for... €12.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Gyokuro Mikoto Natural Gyokuro means ‘Jade Droplets’ and Mikoto is an old Japanese term for the emperor. Fresh, light-green... €15.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Kabusecha Asuka Natural Asuka, or ‘flying bird‘, will make your taste buds fly high. Its leaves are of an intense dark-green... €13.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Bancha Japan Natural The Japanese traditionally drink this tea with their meals, and it is considered a classical everyday... €4.30 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Sencha chocolate cake with pear&ginger The scent of ripe pears, butter, sugar and sweet chocolate chips all baked together in a mouthwatering... €3.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea China Bancha Natural While high grade tea such as Sencha or Gyokuro will use young leaves, Bancha will use grown adult... €3.80 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Christmas Sencha Premium quality loose leaf China Sencha as the base of this delicious fantasy of Christmas Tea. The... €3.70 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view blends Elegance - Vanilla Jasmine Flavours of fruity, sweet cream and a tasty portion of berries are enveloped delicately by a hint of... €3.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Green Tea China Jasmine OP Natural The basis for this Chinese speciality is an Orange pekoe (full leaf) green tea to which fresh jasmine... €3.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Green tea Japan Genmaicha Natural Genmaicha is often brewed in large bowls in Japan, and the floating puffed rice is eaten as a small... €4.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea One Night in Bangkok Lychee - Jasmine - Rose taste This delicious loose leaf tea is filled with antioxidants that fight... €3.80 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view blends Peach Passionflower Natural Wonderful blend creating a unique and calming taste that can be enjoyed hot or cold. Science had... €4.80 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view blends Amour de Cerise Natural Sencha is known as an aid in digestion, weight management and cardiovascular diseases. Containing... €3.50 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Houjicha Powder Natural The known Houjicha but in powder form With its fragrant aroma and nutty, toasty flavor, houjicha... €7.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Matcha Powder Natural 500gr Matcha Powder tea is one of the most valuable teas in the world. Drinking matcha tea every day results... €38.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Rose Congou Green Tea China Natural Now we can also offer you the classic, black “scented tea” China Rose as a green tea variety. As a... €3.20 Price
On sale! -25% shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view special-treats Matcha´n Shake Japan Organic 200g Organic Green Tea Japan is at the base of this mix For all Matcha drinks lovers, having your matcha... €23.10 -25% Regular price €30.80 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Matcha "Taishan" Natural Matcha is high in antioxidants, boosts metabolism, enhances mood and energy, and may reduce the risk... €5.50 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearl DE-ÖKO-003 Natural This tea is one of the prettiest treasures from the world of tea. It grows in the mountains of... €12.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Silvery Pearl Mountain (Tai Mu Long Zhu) Natural In China, this specialty is as popular as its partner, Jasmine Dragon Pearls. Its fine leaves are... €9.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view blends Dragon of Wisdom Indulge in a tantalizing journey of flavor with our Tropical Fusion tea blend, expertly crafted to... €5.00 Price
shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibility Quick view green-tea Green tea Japan Gabalong Natural This Japanese green tea, which is produced under special conditions, is grown primarily in the... €9.00 Price
green-tea China Gunpowder Grade 1 Natural High Gunpowder quality with rolled leaves and a harsh taste with surprising benefits that include preventing chronic disease, soothing arthritis... €3.30 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea China Jasmine High Grade JinJing Natural In northern China, a cup of this pleasant concoction is a symbol of hospitality, and it is traditionally served to welcome guests This particular... €6.20 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea China Sencha Natural High quality loose leaf tea sencha with high amount of polyphenols which are proven to halt cell damage and fend off free radicals making it an... €3.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea China Sencha decaffeinated Natural With its ability to fight chronic diseases, aid in weight loss, keeping the skin looking radiant, acne-freee and youthful, protect the immune... €5.50 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea China Sencha Grade 1 Dao Ren Feng... Premium quality. This Sencha was processed according to the traditional Japanese method. Gentle and sweet taste with a chartreuse cup.... €5.70 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea China White Monkey Natural With a complex aromas of cream, hay, toasted nuts and Oriental Beauty Oolong-like fruity-floral notes. The brewed tea is peachy in color, hinting... €8.30 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Jasmin Qucha Imperial Natural Fine green tea tips, streaked with white down, and giving off an incomparable fragrance. This is truly the most accurate description for this... €15.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Lung Ching Superior Natural The "Dragon Well" is one of China's most extraordinary teas. Rolled and pressed by hand, its leaves have a sweet, fruity aroma. Often described as... €8.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Yunnan Green Natural Green tea speciality with a clean rolled leaf and flowery in taste. Green tea is exceptionally high in flavonoids that can help boost your heart... €5.20 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Genmaicha 'n' Matcha Natural Popular Japanese green tea that offers numerous impressive health benefits. Balances blood sugar, lowers risk of cancer and heart disease, improves... €5.80 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Houjicha Natural With its fragrant aroma and nutty, toasty flavor, houjicha provides a sense of relaxation, easing symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety. It... €7.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Moga Cha Natural Moga is grinned green tea. The difference to Matcha is that the Tencha is not roasted. The tea is raw. Slightly grassy, sweet and hardly bitter.... €10.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Jasmin Imperial Natural A special blend of our top graded green loose leaf teas bringing in your cup a delicious aroma of jasmine, encouraging a mood of relaxation, focus... €7.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
white-tea Ginger mint Natural The ginger spiciness accompany the green and white loose leaf tea benefits including preventing tooth decay, promoting healthy skin and hair and... €4.60 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
blends Angel's Garden Natural A top loose leaf Sencha in combination with china jasmine and bergamot will surely will you over. One of our must try that I use to make a lovely... €4.50 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
blends Aqua Pulco Natural With a wide array of physical health benefits like lowering blood pressure, triglycerides and total cholesterol. as well as mood-boosting effects... €4.50 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
blends Strawberry Mint Natural Top quality Sencha with strawberry and mint taste. On the center of the stage we have a top grade Loose Leaf Sencha that is known to contain a high... €4.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Japan Ceremonial Matcha "Hisui" Natural Drinking matcha every day results in a noticeable mood boost, optimized all-day energy, and potential benefits like weight-loss, heart health,... €9.50 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Gyokuro Kusanagi Natural ‘Kusanagi‘ evokes the unbreakable spirit of the Japanese warriors. Sweet, fruity base full of intense umami makes this tea a real pleasure to... €15.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Kukicha Kaede Natural Only parts of the fine Gyokuro are used in our Kukicha Kaede, but also stems Also suitable for enjoying in the evening due to low caffeine content... €12.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Gyokuro Mikoto Natural Gyokuro means ‘Jade Droplets’ and Mikoto is an old Japanese term for the emperor. Fresh, light-green colored cup and its sweet-savory flavor.... €15.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Kabusecha Asuka Natural Asuka, or ‘flying bird‘, will make your taste buds fly high. Its leaves are of an intense dark-green color, reminiscent of the Gyokuro, but the... €13.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Bancha Japan Natural The Japanese traditionally drink this tea with their meals, and it is considered a classical everyday tea The large-leaved tea is taken from the... €4.30 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Sencha chocolate cake with pear&ginger The scent of ripe pears, butter, sugar and sweet chocolate chips all baked together in a mouthwatering cake are bound to awaken the festive... €3.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea China Bancha Natural While high grade tea such as Sencha or Gyokuro will use young leaves, Bancha will use grown adult leaves to make tea. Due to this the Bancha loose... €3.80 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Christmas Sencha Premium quality loose leaf China Sencha as the base of this delicious fantasy of Christmas Tea. The perfect mixture of Cinnamon with orange, rose... €3.70 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
blends Elegance - Vanilla Jasmine Flavours of fruity, sweet cream and a tasty portion of berries are enveloped delicately by a hint of flowers. A delicious lightness of true... €3.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Green Tea China Jasmine OP Natural The basis for this Chinese speciality is an Orange pekoe (full leaf) green tea to which fresh jasmine blossoms are added during the drying period.... €3.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Green tea Japan Genmaicha Natural Genmaicha is often brewed in large bowls in Japan, and the floating puffed rice is eaten as a small snack to accompany the tea. The puffed rice is... €4.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea One Night in Bangkok Lychee - Jasmine - Rose taste This delicious loose leaf tea is filled with antioxidants that fight free radicals. At the base of this tea is a top... €3.80 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
blends Peach Passionflower Natural Wonderful blend creating a unique and calming taste that can be enjoyed hot or cold. Science had previously lauded green tea’s ability to support... €4.80 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
blends Amour de Cerise Natural Sencha is known as an aid in digestion, weight management and cardiovascular diseases. Containing various vitamins and minerals it gives a boost of... €3.50 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Houjicha Powder Natural The known Houjicha but in powder form With its fragrant aroma and nutty, toasty flavor, houjicha provides a sense of relaxation, easing symptoms of... €7.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Matcha Powder Natural 500gr Matcha Powder tea is one of the most valuable teas in the world. Drinking matcha tea every day results in a noticeable mood boost, optimized... €38.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Rose Congou Green Tea China Natural Now we can also offer you the classic, black “scented tea” China Rose as a green tea variety. As a base, a high quality, slightly opened green... €3.20 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
On sale! -25% special-treats Matcha´n Shake Japan Organic 200g Organic Green Tea Japan is at the base of this mix For all Matcha drinks lovers, having your matcha latte, matcha bubble tea or your Matcha Iced... €23.10 Regular price -25% €30.80 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Matcha "Taishan" Natural Matcha is high in antioxidants, boosts metabolism, enhances mood and energy, and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases. We bring you a Chinese... €5.50 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearl... This tea is one of the prettiest treasures from the world of tea. It grows in the mountains of southeast China. For more than 100 years, only the... €12.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Silvery Pearl Mountain (Tai Mu Long... In China, this specialty is as popular as its partner, Jasmine Dragon Pearls. Its fine leaves are rolled to a tight ball. After brewing, the... €9.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
blends Dragon of Wisdom Indulge in a tantalizing journey of flavor with our Tropical Fusion tea blend, expertly crafted to captivate your senses with every sip. This blend... €5.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached
green-tea Green tea Japan Gabalong Natural This Japanese green tea, which is produced under special conditions, is grown primarily in the Shizuoka District. “Gaba” means gamma amino acid and... €9.00 Price shopping_cart Add to basket favorite_border Wishlist cached equalizer Compare cached visibilityQuick viewcached