Remove toxins from your body with this special tea. Pu-erh tea is used for improving mental alertness and sharp thinking. It is also used for high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes. Due to its high content of caffeine it give the right kick for the morning.
If you are on medication for high pressure, are pregnant or breastfeeding limit the amount of caffeine intake.
I recommend discarding the first steep after 10 seconds. Rinsing the pu erh leafs is done to 'awaken' the leaves. Rinsing allows the tea to loosen up, unfurl and allow an optimal brew
How to prepare:
quantity: 12 g/l (approx. 3g per cup)
temperature: 95 C
brewing time: 2 to 4 minutes
Multiple infusion: Pu-erh tea can be steeped at least 10-15 times
Food pairing: after a large meal, red meats, stir-frys, oily food
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Classic red pu-erh tea from the Yunnan province of China.
After picking the leaves of this tea, they are rolled up and allowed to oxidize (ferment) for about a year. As a result of this specific process, we obtain a strong, red infusion, which has a very positive effect on the work of our body.
Health properties: The basic value that complements the interesting taste is the pro-health effect. It is not without reason that red tea is called a fat killer, as it supports the digestive system and speeds up metabolism. The high content of fluorine, calcium, theines and other minerals as well as ethereal compounds and proteins has an extremely positive effect on the functioning of the body. It is known to improve concentration, memory and help remove toxins. It is an essential component of slimming diets. It has also been proven that it supports the work of the heart, liver and digestive system, improves circulation, lowers cholesterol levels and alleviates the effects of alcohol poisoning.